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  • Publication statistics
    Journal volumes: 1
    Journal issues: 1
    Articles views: 24
    Articles downloads: 33

    Total authors: 27
    Unique authors: 24
    Repeated authors: 3
    Repeated authors percent: 11

    Submitted articles: 7
    Accepted articles: 7
    Rejected articles: 0
    Published articles: 7

    Acceptance rate: 100
    Rejection rate: 0

    Average Time to Accept: 73 days
    Average Time to First Review: 0 days
    Average Time to Publish: 39.4 days

    Last 3 years statistics:
    Submitted articles: 7
    Accepted articles: 7
    Rejected articles: 0
    Published articles: 7

    Acceptance rate: 100
    Rejection rate: 0

    Average Time to Accept: 73 days
    Average Time to First Review: 0 days
    Average Time to Publish: 39.4 days
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    Journal of Health Sciences Perspective
    The Journal of Health Sciences Perspective (JHSP) publishes original research papers, short communications, scientific notes, case reports, letter to editors, and review articles in English. The JHSP serves as a comprehensive, interdisciplinary forum covering all aspects of health sciences. The mission of the JHSP is to publish research manuscripts on the following topics: biostatistics, environmental health, epidemiology of diseases, health education and promotion, health services management and economics, medical entomology, and vector control, occupational health and safety, and public health. The Editorial Board would be glad to receive your original papers on any area of health sciences. Moreover, we welcome submissions from other disciplines that relate to health and health research.
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    AllSince 2020