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Aghaei A, Gholami Z, Naderi F, Adiban M. Investigating the consumption of baking soda and salinity levels in bakeries in the city of Ilam in the years (2021-2023). Journal of Health Sciences Perspective 2024; 1 (1) :27-34
URL: http://jhsp.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-24-fa.html
Investigating the consumption of baking soda and salinity levels in bakeries in the city of Ilam in the years (2021-2023). Journal of Health Sciences Perspective. 1403; 1 (1) :27-34

URL: http://jhsp.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-24-fa.html

چکیده:   (206 مشاهده)
Introduction: Bread provides a significant portion of the daily energy, minerals, and vitamins needed by the body. In recent years, the use of baking soda and extra salt in our country has become common to quickly leaven bread dough and compensate for the dough's deficiencies. Baking soda in bread prevents the absorption of calcium and iron, causes digestive disorders, and salt also endangers the health of individuals, especially those with kidney disease and high blood pressure. Therefore, the aim of this study is Investigating the use of baking soda and salt in bakeries in the city of Ilam from 2021 to 2023.
Materials & Methods: This study was conducted using a descriptive analytical and cross-sectional method in the city of Ilam. In this study, all the bakeries in the city of Ilam, which numbered 222, were considered as the statistical population. The pH and salt percentage of the sampled breads were measured according to the standard method and industrial research of Iran, number 2628, by the Food Control Laboratory of the Food and Drug Administration. The permissible pH level for Sangak bread is between 4.6 and 5.6, and for other breads, it is between 5 and 6. Values higher than these indicate the use of baking soda. Also, salt content above 1 percent indicates excessive use of salt.
Results:  From the year 2021 to 2023, 1732 loaves of bread were sampled and sent to the Ilam Food Control Laboratory. The frequency percentage of salt content in all the collected samples is equal to 0.28. And the pH frequency percentage obtained from all the breads in the collected samples was 7.9. This statistic indicates that the preventive measures in the field of environmental health have yielded positive results in recent years.
Conclusion:  The average salt percentage in the studied bakeries was within the standard limit; however, the average pH percentage was slightly above the standard limit, which can be attributed to the quality of the flour. Despite the ban on the use of baking soda in bread production by the Ministry of Health, this substance continues to be used in the mentioned process.
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نوع مطالعه: پژوهشي | موضوع مقاله: بهداشت عمومی
دریافت: 1403/6/11 | پذیرش: 1403/8/26 | انتشار: 1403/10/7

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